In 2013 Kelly Buchanan created a new corridor company, Three Sixty Blue Sky. The company specializes in event planning for the business, corporate and nonprofit sector. “I discovered a passion for celebrating individual success and enhancing community cohesion through events.”
Kelly travels to Chicago frequently to manage events for a large media company that has holdings in over 15 markets. Locally she hosts the annual Women’s Power Luncheon Series and Lakeside Conversations on the Veranda.
Kelly shares her story on why she is a member of PWN below:
“In 2014 I joined PWN because I wanted to surround myself with like minded women who were active in the community. I found the members to be successful in their careers and generous in giving of their time and talent.
In the past year PWN has grown leaps and bounds due a dynamic leadership team and a new focus to help women succeed. This past year I have joined the membership committee as a way to bring awareness to women who do not know this organization is there to support them”.
PWN Perk:
You are invited to attend Kelly’s next hosted event, “Letting Your Inner Goddess Shine”. This event is taking place on June 2, 2016 from 3:00 – 4:30 pm at Lake MacBride.
(Any PWN member who registers to attend this event will receive a $5 rebate.)